
Chops & Steaks

  • Taken from right across the loin to provide a two-sided cut of flavoursome, wholesome lamb, the Barnsley Lamb Chop is ideal for big appetites and is well suited to frying or griddling. With outstanding natural succulence and juicy flavour, these Barnsley Lamb Chops reflect the quality of the lush pastures where our flocks mature on diets of wild flowers, herbs, and natural grasses.
  • Boasting rich flavours and lean character, Lamb Leg Steaks are a great alternative to lamb steaks cut from the loin, and are perfect for making nutritious and wholesome mid week meals. These classic steaks lend themselves to frying or griddling on a high heat, with the impressive sweet taste reflecting the quality of the lush pastures where our flocks mature on diets of wild flowers, herbs, and natural grasses.

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